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R.I.P. Vine

Pirre Vaarala

Vine came, it saw and it conquered - and now it has come to the end of its journey. Rest in pieces, good ol' fella.

In January 2013 Vine was released as a platform for six-second-long looping videos for iOS and later for Android, and later it became extremely popular among users. Six seconds doesn't sound like much, but boiiiii let me tell you that's enough to tell quite some stories:

The Vine Story Master is, of course, Thomas Sanders

More drama than most TV series have

Needless to say, Vine also turned out to be the p e r f e c t place for cat videos, song covers, all kinds of weird dance numbers and....pretty much anything you could imagine. Vine allowed people to test their creativity in order to produce six seconds that would leave their mark in history.

Yeeaahhhhhh. Don't ask me why but it's my fave trilogy ever

A week ago (27th Oct) Twitter, which has owned Vine since before it even launched, announced that it will discontinue the application. Old vines will be saved on the website for archiving purposes but new vines can no longer be uploaded which, as expected, caused users and fans alike to freak out.

What it also caused was a worldwide hysteria in the blogging site Tumblr as people started posting and reblogging compilations of their favourite vines to make sure they won't be forgotten or destroyed once Twitter decides to shut down even the Vine archives. Thanks to this turn of events my personal dash has turned into an endless stream of Vines old and new, and following this phenomena has been both extremely entertaining and also a tad tiring, as the grand majority of all posts are now Vines. But at least in most cases they are the golden Vines that will make history.

You may take down Vine but you can never erase their impact on our extremely weird internet culture.

(Just saying that this post is highly biased in Vine quality since of coURSE I'll link my personal favourites but hey, my blog B----) )

(Also I have no idea how to embed from Vine's website so deal with some tumblr embeds)


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Piritta "Pirre" Vaarala 


25 years old mobile game artist & Interactive Media student from Finland. 

© 2016 by Pirre Vaarala. Proudly created with

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